Saturday, November 26, 2011


I didn't do a daily post about something I am thankful for everyday in November on Facebook, but I decided to post them all at once right here. I love what my friend, Terry does. Thanksgiving or not, she posts three things she is thankful for everyday.

1. I'm very thankful for Wayne. For those of you who truly know him, there is no explanation needed for why that full-grown boy is number one on my list. For those of you who don't, I think I will follow up with a post just for you.

2. Three very active, very funny, very precious, healthy, little boys who have become my greatest teachers about life.

3. Apparently, I was raised in a bubble. I'm learning that the way I was before I was "trained" to be an adult, is actually the goal. Father is restoring precious childhood memories and renewing my mind as a child. I'm thankful for my raising and the bubble of innocence. I really had a wonderful childhood with a very wonderful, humongous family.

4. Coffee. Although, I still need to sissy it up, I have finally reached my lifelong goal to love to drink coffee like all the cool people I see drinking coffee. I only have one cup unless it is a special occasion like midnight of Black Friday, but some days I don't drink it at all. I'm thankful I love it, I have it, but don't need it to function.

5. Friends that hear from the Lord. Wise counsel of people who know my Father because they love people for no reason except they love people. My God-pong friends.

6. My three special girls. Beth, Sena, Jenny. The four times we get together a year alone make me happy to be alive.

7. Dreams, and the messages they bring.

8. My big, rustic dining room table. Eating around it with family and friends just feels like that is the way things are supposed to be.

9. I am thankful for forgiveness and for friends who show me how it's done.

10. I am VERY thankful to be living in the electronic age. Even though my brain is Amish, I still really enjoy being able to instantly communicate with my friends overseas or other parts of the country, and watch teachers from all over the world anytime I want. Wow! That is really amazing!

11. I am thankful for the happy noises of living, but I am also very thankful for the silences.

12. I get to live on a Mountain in Tennessee. That's pretty amazing. It is like living on vacation.

13. For the still small voice.

14. Both my grandmothers are still living, healthy, and active.

15. I am thankful for people who love on kids for free.

16. I am thankful that my boys have a fantastic extended family with the best grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins ever, and they are the fifth generation to live on Blaylock mountain.

17. I am very thankful for my jobs. I am filled up now. It's even more than I was hoping for. And I'm thankful that I am married to a man who is willing to let me step out to do this while he does the majority of the parenting.

18. I am thankful for people who love to laugh.

19. I am thankful for the Movies, "The Matix," "Count of Monte Cristo," "Princess Bride," and "Groundhog Day."

20. I am thankful I'm getting a new niece in January. JUST WHAT I WANTED!

21. I am thankful for Just Dance 2 game and that everybody in my house loves to play it. It's absolutely the best.

22. I am thankful for contentment for today even though there is more to wake up to tomorrow. I'm happy today, but tomorrow I know I will realize that "yesterday" was nothing compared to today.I'm amazed at how that works.

23. I am thankful that there are probably twenty different structures of tinker toys strategically placed in the floor upstairs for whatever war was fixing to take place. Sometimes I get frustrated that the house never seems to be picked up all the way, but I know in a few years I will miss finding matchbox cars and dinosaurs in the pantry.

24. I am thankful to live in a country where soldiers get a standing ovation at a sporting events. I love that so much.

25. I am thankful to live in a house with more than one indoor bathroom.

26. I am thankful that any time day or night I can make a run to town for pretty much anything. 1. We live in a free land with no curfew. 2. There are stores to accommodate that freedom. ...That is just stupidly, wonderfully spoiled.

27. We can decide to take our boys to school or teach them at home.

28. I am thankful, truly, truly thankful, that there is only once voice that matters and that He continually draws me to him.

29. I am thankful that everyone in the house went to bed tonight and every night with full bellies.

30. I am very thankful it's Christmas time and having three little boys (Well, four) to get excited about it with.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lesson From Wayne: Peace of Mess

I married up, and I like to say I married up. Wayne is the greatest. I mean I really like him and all that stuff, but he regularly reveals more to me about who God is than any person ever. I think that is probably pretty amazing since I live with him and know him best. He has always been that way, but the past two or three years it has been supersized revelation. Wayne is an example of Love, and since God IS Love, Wayne is constantly revealing God and his nature in our home. This is one thing that really got my attention this week.

I woke up Monday morning just basically depressed. The house looked like it had three tornadoes that spent the weekend with us, because well, we have three tornadoes that plan to live here for apparently the rest of their lives. I wanted to play with the boys and do things I wanted to do, but I felt like it would be responsible to clean. I was really grumpy. I felt guilty because I was depressed over something as dumb as a messy house. It was just an all around stupid cycle. I also feel terrible because Wayne worked on Monday, and I feel like it's nice of me if I don't lay around all day. I feel like I should keep the house picked up and cook food and stuff like that. Most day, I like doing that. That was not the case on Monday. I felt like if I had to pick up the same mess that I have picked up ten thousand times the week before, I would explode. I did things. I fed the boys and some other maintenance chores, but then I decided I was going to forget being responsible and take a nap.

It was amazing. God gave me some dreams that were very wonderful packed full of revelation. I felt empowered when I woke up, and I wasn't grumpy anymore either. But the house didn't get cleaned up all the way. Wayne came home, and at some point in the evening I brought up the status of the house. Wayne just sort of calmly, like it was no big deal said, "Audrey, If you want to clean the house, clean it. And if you don't want to, then don't." and that was that. He totally took away my pressure. Being pressure free made me WANT to get the house clean.

Wednesday, I was home again. We really needed to pick up the house AGAIN. Company was coming the next day, but I chose to take the boys to story time at the library and then had a nice visit with Nana. By the time we got back home, we only had maybe two hours before Wayne got home and it would be time to cook supper. The boys and I EFFORTLESSLY got everything picked up. Cleaning turned into quality time and it was fun. I don't want to live in a mess, but I realized that living in peace with some mess is better than clean pressure.

So our house may not be the best kept house, but just come over anyway. We'll make you feel good about yourself.