Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This is my follow-up Thank-vember to elaborate on point #1....I am thankful for Wayne.

I almost don't even know where to start...

As I write this I am reminded of a time I forced myself to be thankful. (I'm laughing as I remember.) I was washing dishes. Wayne came home from a hard day at work to some really, really, really, really bad news. I did something uber stupid I had to tell him about. He said nothing. I knew he had to be upset, so I encouraged him to tell me what was wrong. (duh.) He still said nothing. I was thinking that if it was me, I would feel better to vent, so I nagged him and nagged him until he spoke. Um.....that was the SECOND dumb thing I did that day. He finally complied. Boy, did I ask for it! LOL! So he stepped out to get some fresh air to figure out how to fix what I had done. (I am so laughing!) And I stood at the sink fuming mad and feeling very stupid for doing that. After a minute or two, I came to the realization that I had a choice to make. I could stay offended or could recover my sight. I knew that if I could list things I was thankful for Wayne for,(because the Lord TOLD me to,) it would help me to get over my petty anger. took a minute for me to think of one. As I waited for one to pop up out of the mad-cloud, I was thinking, "I'm going to make a list so if I ever get mad again, I can just read my list instead of trying to think of something." But it didn't take long before one came, and then another, and another and another, until suddenly I forgot there had ever even been a fog of negativity. I was overcome with the value of this really great life-fixer I am married to forever. I'm pretty sure that is the last time I have been mad at him. That was about a year and a half or two years ago.

Here are some things on my list....

Sometimes he makes up the bed just before bedtime just because he knows I love that. He could sleep on the raw mattress with a pile of covers wadded up on top of him.

He is a really, really, really, really, really x 100000000 great dad.

If he loves something more than me, I can't tell it.

He loves my family and goes to family events.

He insists I put my cold feet on him under the covers so they can warm up. ...Now THAT is a man!

He wrote me a song....and it's good.

Actually, he writes a lot of songs that are good. He is a true word-smith. I think I want to have a rustic-looking living room someday with the words of his first hit etched into the wood at the top of the wall. Yeah, that would be pretty awesome.

Our boys adore him. They respect him, but can't wait to play with him. They want to sit by him at the table. When he says something, it is law. When mom says something, they might think about it.

Even though I was a stay-at-home mom, he let me sleep in on his days off. And now that I am working, he lets me sleep in on my days off.

He has gotten out of bed on very cold nights because I decided I needed a shower at 2:00 am to fix the water under the house.

He is my laundry man and has been the majority of our marriage.

He ALWAYS goes over the limit we set on gifts for each other at Christmas. I totally don't think this is fair, but I am also not complaining. His gifts are fabulous and well thought out. They are usually creative with a theme.

I love it when he won't put up with drama.

When we take pictures of our boys, Wayne does the funniest stuff even causing himself bodily harm to get them to laugh. He definitely does the hard part, but I always get credit for the picture.

He makes a mean cinnamon toast, and he has certain technique I've noticed to gently tap out the Cinnamon/sugar mixture.

He is content to keep quiet, but when he speaks, a FLOOD of bold revelation accompanies his few gentle words.

He will take verbal abuse as long as he knows it is preventing someone else from getting it.

He hears from the Lord. Oh my gosh he does.

He really likes being a man, and his boys are getting a good example of what it means to be one.

He is a servant as evidenced by it is even coming out in his sons. Luke and I were the only ones left at the supper table. Luke asked to be excused, but before he left, he filled up my cup just because he noticed it was empty. That is the sort of thing he sees his dad do.

He is the most honorable person I know.

He has mastered the grill.

His heart is child-like, but he is very responsible.

He thinks about everything he does and therefore, everything he does is excellent. If he is going to do it, it will be done right.

He teaches me more about the God kind of life by his words and his example than anyone, and does it without thinking I need to be improved. ---That sounds like God to me.

Something pretty amazing happens when he sings.

He is REALLY smart and I'm really thankful our kids get to dip in that gene pool.

He likes to laugh.

He works really hard at whatever he does. He is willing to do whatever he would have to do to make sure our family is provided for. That is really comforting to know he's that way.

Wayne folds laundry during football to justify watching football. Ha Ha Ha!

I love to hear him read bedtime stories.

Our boys know he loves them.

When he prays, sickness goes away.

He thanks me when I take out the trash or pay our bills.

He can complete a days-worth of errands with three boys in about two hours. If you have ever had more than one little kid, you know why this is amazing.

He will watch Backyardigans even though the game is on.

Sometimes I come home late and he and the boys have fallen asleep on the pull-out couch watching a movie.

He never comes to my pity party no matter how strongly I invite him, which helps me to recover to the high road more quickly.

He cries with me especially when we think about how fast the boys are growing up.

He truly, genuinely, purely loves people and has a desire to help them learn to experience their Father's love and hear His voice.

Nothing is more HOT than a man who is not ashamed to worship.

Even though thinking on two things doesn't come easy for the male species, Wayne concentrates hard on what I am saying to the point that he will forget where he needs to turn when he is driving. I really, really love that.

He thinks often about people he wishes he could protect from potentially getting hurt, but honors their freedom to make choices and hear from God for themselves. I really appreciate that about him.

I can trust him to make the right decisions because I know his character and he is motivated by love.

He put up the Christmas tree and we all decorated it.

He is the nicest guy, but he is not easily fooled. He has wisdom beyond his years.

He makes our home pressure-free.

He plays with boys, but their toys are put up at the end of the day. I have no idea how that happens.

When I come home, he is faithful to meet me outside to see if there is anything he can carry in for me.

I've got more to say, but I think I'm going to go crawl next to him in our made-up bed. ....I am just really thankful for him who makes my life sweet and easy because he knows really well the author of the sweet and easy life.

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