Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pied Piper

This came into my head during my commute today.  It is a poem about the same mindset that Jesus drove out of the temple.

Pied Piper

Pied Piper, You try to tickle my ears.
In my heart I hear truth.  Your words are not real.
Your music is deceiving and played with such skill.
It sounds good for a season, but eventually kills.

Pied Piper, your flute sings a reasonable song.
The lyrics sound right, but your heart makes them wrong.
I see you entertaining.  Your motives are clear.
You think people are puppets and you their grand puppeteer.

Pied Piper, you increase the volume skillfully loud.
It drowns out relationships to draw a big crowd.
You seem very talented, but you play only games.
You love your own life and lead others astray. 

Pied Piper, you smile, but I see your tears.
You trust in your music because Truth makes you fear. 
You march to your stanzas but desire to rest.
You entice the innocent to validate your quest.  

Pied Piper, you kiss the instrument of death.
You are just like the victims you sing to impress.
Have faith and don't doubt. Cast your flute to the sea.
Decide this is useless and you have no needs.

Pied Piper, you are deaf.  Can you  not hear my song?
It comes from the one to whom you also belong.
My heart rings with life from a live symphony.
I dance WITH a lover to its Truth melodies.

Pied Piper your analysis of me is all wrong.
It's not a rejection if I don't dance to your song.
Tune in your real ears!  How I wish you could see!
You're worth more than your music.  You are loved and set free. 

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