Saturday, August 11, 2012

Grace To Me Part #7: Ministering to People

Grace is about relationship and love. You see yourself the way God sees you, then you automatically see people the way God sees them. God sees us a pure and innocent because that is the way He is. You can only see outwardly what you possess inwardly. I believe that is why “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” If they are pure, then they see purity of God.

And a true grace minister loves people and trusts them to hear from God themselves. They will work themselves out of a job and gladly see the people grow into a mature relationship with their Father. It is a PRIVILEGE (not a burden) to get to love God's people. They get excited to get to see God's son's waking up! The calling is love (period). And to love properly is only birthed out of the ministers soaking up love for themselves. Correcting people really is to only help them recover their sight of who they are. It is not telling them where they are wrong and continually reminding them of past failures and areas of lack. True grace ministers will do it for free just because ministry is birthed from who they are. If they make a living from it, they see is as an honor and not a right. They only want to receive from people who are free with pure hearts and those who understand their innocence, their sonship, and generously give just because they want to. GLORY!

Even when you take away the responsibility of winning the loss, it becomes even more pressure free and liberty to just enjoy people. God speaks with them first. The words you say just resonate with the Truth the Holy Spirit planted in them in the first place. When we understand the great news, we can't help but talk about it. People will either embrace the truth, or continue to kick against the pricks. Either way, it is not our responsibility. It is just something that happens from loving them.

Grace To Me Part #6: Awakening To Grace

Rest and contentment come from believing in grace. If you feel you are still searching, you simply aren't fully awake yet to who you are. No sweat. Just keep resting and know that if you seek, you will find it. Father delights in revealing it to you. The more you rest in him, the easier it is to see and hear and be lead by the Spirit.

Grace understands that emotions are a part of being born from God. We aren't controlled by our emotions, but emotions are a fruit of what we believe. I'm in love with God because of this revelation.

Grace is that God is pleased with us. We are His heaven! He is purely content with us just as we are. He is not interested in changing us to who he wishes we were. He enjoys us as is. There are no agendas. There is only relationship. Can you allow Him to love you the way He created you to be loved? If you can, then this is submission. Can you believe that?!?! Doesn't it keep getting better than we thought!!! Does this sound too good to be true? Then it sounds like God to me!

Grace to Me Part #5: Ears to Hear

A true message of grace is not one of motivation to “behave”. In fact, grace doesn't focus on behavior modification at all. Grace message revives the truth that already lives in you. The revelations you are hearing resonate with your Spirit who has and knows all things. You know it is truth because you have a hallelujah in your heart. This is a heart thing. Again, it is necessary to recognize which ears you are hearing with. Does it resonate with a doctrine of death you have been feeding your brain for years? Or does it energize you with LIFE on the inside of you? Grace empowers a rebirth inside your heart that makes you thirsty for more! When you really have Jesus (Grace) you don't thirst again. You are filled up with rivers of living water. Once you have tasted the sweet truth, there is no appetite for anything contaminated with thinking contrary to grace. Hearing even a mixed message smells like death.

Grace is something my heart understands and then transforms my thinking. When I recognize I am listening with my brain instead of my heart, I know what I am hearing is not a message of grace. This concept really can only be grasp by revelation in the Spirit. Hope you have ears to hear.

Grace to Me Part #4: The Simplicity of God's Upside Down Kingdom

The Grace message is that Jesus loves us and serves us. Not that we love and serve God. ---That is still difficult for me to admit, but what humbling, powerful, empowering truth! Woo!

The Grace message is simple. I love it that Albert Einstein said something like, “If you can't explain it to your grandmother, then you don't really understand it.” In my experience, those who complicate the “gospel” are only mudding the water so that you can't see clearly for yourself making you think you need the speaker to be your guide. News Flash! The only guide lives in the born again and leads you where you need to go. The more awake you get to his love for you, the clearer you also see.

In grace there is no hierarchy. People who see through the eyes of grace see that God's kingdom is flipped upside down. We are equal to Jesus and each other. We have all been given the same power in us that Jesus had which raised Him from the dead. We lack nothing. No man has a special anointing over someone else. Jesus is our covering. We need no man telling us what to think because we have the Spirit who is our teacher. This eliminates any illusion of “responsibility” (control) over people and frees us now to enjoy each other in true relationship. In God's upside-down, awesomely, cool kingdom, the least is the greatest, the servant is the king, the children are the wise, the ones who say they can see are the ones who are you have ears to hear that? It's my favorite to explore the infrastructure of His upside kingdom!

Grace To Me Part #3: Fruit Bearing

Grace is effortless living. This God quality of life is just what happens by accident (fruit) when we believe and awaken to who we are sons of God. Yes! Fruit happens, but it is NEVER about the fruit, it 100% about soaking up the nutrients (love) from the one in whom we are planted. Fruit comes from resting in the vine. But it is about the vine....not the fruit. To focus on the fruit is to glory in self efforts and take your eyes off the vine.

Good fruit in a person's life is birthed from intimacy with the bridegroom. The focus is on the intimacy....not to bear fruit. Bearing fruit apart from that is still a dead work even if the fruit looks good. This is very dangerous and why we must be lead by the Spirit. Eve thought the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil looked good too. I'm sure Ishmael was a handsome young lad. God said to cast out his mother and her son (fruit) simply because it came by works of the flesh. If God is not the father, he is not interested in how good the fruit (a.k.a. behavior) is. Grace is living by the Spirit.

Many have abused the principal of “If you are in grace then you will ____” (speaking of the fruit of grace.) While it is true that grace produces fruit of life in a person, most of the time I have heard it in a form of manipulation to get you to live right. Any way of thinking implying right verses wrong is eating the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Words like that are satanic. “If you are the son of God, then turn this stone into bread.” Grace will never imply that you must prove you are in grace. That is like proving I am a human. Either I am or I am not.

Grace To Me Part 2: I Am and Lack Nothing

A Grace message is about who you are and is uncontaminated with anything that implies you have to do to become. Grace sees that you have everything already. Anything that implies you have lack in your life is not the grace message. Don't believe lies that you lack something. People who think they lack are easily manipulated because they doubt the voice within them. Grace is that I have died and the me that now walks around enjoying life is really Jesus in me because we are one.

A mixed message is completely dangerous because it has enough truth in it to make it seem right to people. “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death.” (Right and Wrong = death.) A gallon of water with one drop of poison still looks like water, but it will kill you. Mixers throw in the truth just to make the lies taste palatable. Jesus said a little leaven leaven the whole. It is a good thing that nothing real can be threatened and therefore we don't have to battle with the mixers. If it is not pure grace, it is not grace at all. There is one voice that matters. Hear ye Him and enjoy this life the God quality way.

Grace recognizes the completeness in Jesus. Law is something you need to do to become. This is in every area of life, not just the Leviticus laws. If you recognize law, you don't see that you already “Am.” If you think you need to do something to be perfect, then you don't know you are already. You have BEEN MADE righteous. There is no need to do anything AND I MEAN ANYTHING to become. Recognizing that you lack is not only an imagination, but will keep you bondage in your mind and lead to death. Whether a law that you can't pick up sticks on the Sabbath day to be righteous, or You have to be in a church every week to be a good Christian, or you have to help coach a football team to be a good dad. If you think you have to do to be....this is not grace. Right living is not about right and wrong any longer. There is no more sin because there is no more law that would make you guilty. To think there is still sin is to believe in an illusion that only existed before Jesus. The imagination of it is still bondage and will keep you from God-quality of life. Well, of course there are consequences to actions. DUH! But focusing on the choices will only keep you making the same ones over and over. Holy Self-Righteous Cow! The Truth is the only thing that sets people free from a life of “trying” to live right. Truth is God's perspective, not our perspective. Can you not see that “trying” to live right is the very definition of self-righteousness. We have been made righteous. I am righteous. Trying to be righteous is like me trying to be an American. I am an American because I was born here. Righteous is who I am. How could I try to be something I already am. Jesus is NOT OUR EXAMPLE! He is our LIFE. We wouldn't need him if we could try and get it right. Is this not the sweet and simple Truth?!?! Oh, and I guess I should add I automatically act like a stereotypical American. I like everything instantly. I tear up when I see an American soldier. I believe in the American dream that anybody can have success. And I always wear white socks. Nobody had to teach me to do those things. It just came because I was born here. Nobody has to teach me what loving people looks like because I was born in love.

Grace to Me part 1: God's Quality of Life.

This is Grace to me....

Grace is more than God being a good God and having mercy on his children. Grace is a COMPLETE life transformation in every single area of life. It is no longer my life, but Christ.

Grace is a celebration. It is enjoying life. It is the revelation of heaven on earth. Grace is seeing people and situations through the eyes of Jesus. It is love that compels us. And we simply enjoy. Well of course bad things still happen. We live in a fallen world. But when you see from God's perspective, you see the world differently than we were always taught. We walk fearlessly through the valley of the shadow (illusion) of death because our focus is on the still waters.

When I act contrarily to my new nature, I have just forgotten who I am. The Holy Spirit reminds us of all things---Who we are! Hallelujah! Grace is not just my relationship with my father. Grace is my life now. In the old way of thinking, I might wash the dishes because that is what I expect from me as a wife and mother. With my new nature, I wash the dishes because I want to. And I DO want to because I enjoy a clean kitchen. I enjoy sitting with my family eating on clean plates. It's quiet time where I can commune with my Father. My “want to” changed only when I rest in the Truth about who I am. His love for me is my tackling fuel.

Daily tasks are now effortless and fun...not because I HAVE to, but because it is something I do as a result of seeing and believing who I am. Can you see the difference? Who is the Father of the things you do? Even self-expectations are a fruit of the fallen world. Grace overcomes ALL of these. Jesus fulfilled ALL laws...the ones written in stone AND the ones we write ourselves on our hearts. This is exceptionally excellent news!