Monday, August 22, 2011


This is a poem about manipulation...


Together in silence now makes me see.
I choose life instead of your sorcery.
Gifted and twisted. Your words are so skilled.
If you claim to speak life, why is death what I hear?
Your way is only distraction.

Holy Cow, as they say, you can feed the bull.
The few who believe it are so sadly fooled.
Are you sorry we heard a message of peace?
Underestimating freedom sets people free.
Soon all will see the distraction.

You say I'm not needed. I've been of no worth.
I've grown to know differently. I remember my birth.
I can allow you to wallow and have your last word.
I'm not naive like you think. I know what I've heard.
I refuse to believe your distraction.

You shout one thing, but whisper another.
For a time, to my shame, I provided you cover.
I'm not here to expose, but you just don't believe.
Gifts delivered right to you, you would not receive.
You choose to love your distraction.

Like a scurvy little spider catches his prey.
Are you dizzy from spinning things you say?
The poison of the snake was not the lie,
but the intermingled truth he disguised.
There's no life to live with distraction.

Come to the mountain of reality.
Destroy golden views of idolatry.
Shackled by your insecurity.
Don't choose a life of this misery.
I pray soon your free from distraction.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Resting in the Rinse

We recently washed our carpet. It was an emergency! (...enough said.) We have had carpet for five years and this is the first time we ever shampooed it with three boys living here. It looks pretty good now, but we honestly thought we would have to replace it all. The thing about suds-ing up the ol' shag is that the soap on the fibers attract more dirt. You really have to rinse it well, then rinse it, and then rinse it some more to keep it looking nice. For some reason this really struck home with me about how we do with our spiritual walk. We get the "I'm clean" revelation (which is very important) but then we forget we need to be continually rinsed. Just wallowing in the knowledge of cleanliness without ever coming into contact with the "rinser" can make us filthier than ever. We attract "doctrines." We box God in. We limit ourselves with our own beliefs. We become Pharisaical. "I've been washed, dadgumit! I am right! I KNOW that KNOW!" This goes along with a little vision the Lord gave me during worship a little while back.

I saw a river twisting through the land. People were floating in the river like they were on tubes except they were not floating on anything. They were just so relaxed and at peace that they seemed to be floating carefree down the river. There were patches of land that the river wound wind around. People gathered on these little patches of land. Some people floating down the river would decide to walk onto shore. The further down the river, the more spiritually awakened the people were. People from the mainland would get to the river through these gatherings on the little peninsulas. Some of the gatherings still made reference to the river and even used water from the river. Some gatherings were so engulfed in their gather that they hardly acknowledged the river at all. I know the river represented the Spirit of God and the people floating were resting and flowing in the Spirit. I saw Wayne and I get back in the river. That brought a lot of comfort to me with so many changes in our lives at the moment. We can't see on down the river, but I know it is a good place to be. We will enjoy and rest in this journey. It is time to for us to be washed off and learn what it means for us to continually live in the rinse cycle. We can never think we know all the answers. All we know is where have been. To settle in the fact that we KNOW, is to deny that the river continues. Our "spirituality" then becomes more like a dead sea than a living water. There are things to learn. I don't want to miss it just because I've been washed once. I am content to know I know nothing, and excited to rest into revelation.

Friday, August 19, 2011

School Supplies-ophile

I really think I must have some sort of undiagnosed issue....It is really hard for me not to buy school supplies every time I shop. I currently own and use five calculators, and I wish I had more. Is it possible to own too many crayons, scissors, glitter glue, and boxes to hold them? I salivate in office-supply stores. Today I went into buy some nice folders for my resumes. What should have taken five minutes took way longer. I kept getting distracted. I literally looked at every kind of file folder and binder before I snapped out of it and realized I've already got a system at home I can use. Well, of course I have a stuff at home! I tend to buy this stuff like it is an illegal habit! I work at a facility where I literally walk around the building just to use the most awesome stapler ever. It brings a smile to my heart even when I imagine its easy "snap" and stand in awe of how many pages it can bind together without ever a glitch in the staple. I think a good candle scent should be called, "sharpened pencil." How many cool-looking notebooks can one own before being labeled a hoarder? "Would you like packs of colorful permanent markers to go with your reams of paper?" "Yes please!" No. No. No! I really think I might need help.