Saturday, October 6, 2012

Funny Friends

I love people who love to laugh. I've learned through my friend Bronda that in God's kingdom, prosperity is being rich in relationships. That is amazing to me, and I love that!

I have a friend who makes me feel very rich. She is the kind of friend that I can count on laughing with no matter what. Everything is funny to her. I blacked out laughing once.  I couldn't see and I didn't know where I was for a few seconds.  I was glad I had pulled off the road to finish our conversation.  

Laughing is a snowball effect with us. Something might win a little giggle, then the other laughs and at the one laughing and so on and so forth until we are hysterically laughing about something hardly funny at all. She is the kind of friend that I cannot eat or drink anything when she talks for fear of choking or spewing. She forgets things she says, so when I use them on her months later, she thinks I'm really funny. During one recent conversations, she told me a story that I can hardly think about without laughing. It is horrible, but I found it hilarious. 

"Natasha" told me this story about her sister, “Thelma.” Thelma married a military guy and was far away from her family when she gave birth to their child. It was a teaching hospital, so when she began to push, there was a room full of people standing at the foot of the bed observing. All were wearing blue scrubs except one man who was in regular clothes, holding a broom, and eating a hamburger. She thinks he was the janitor. Later when Thelma was walking the halls after the delivery, things felt a little too familiar when the janitor stopped caring for the floors to have a little chat with her.

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