My goodness, I have a lot rolling around in me that wants to come out. But this one has been in there a while. I want to write about one of the most powerful, life-transforming, simple, and amazing revelations I have ever had, EVER. (Powerful and simple in the same sentence? Must be from the Most High.)
I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY that the veil was removed. I once was blind, but now I see.
I come from a past where emotion and feelings were considered a necessary evil as part of this human experience. Emotional people were deemed second rate. Those who could conquer emotions with rational thought were the kings, queens, examples, and leaders. It is with a big sigh of relief and gratitude, that I can say that way of thinking is oh so contrary to the nature of our emotional God.
I never considered myself to be an emotional person. The hubs cried more than I did when we first got married. I guess he was the first one who started tearing down the walls of my perception on emotion.
It is simple. So simple. God made us with a feeler inside. This is the natural state of our created being. He gives us a brain to think with, but he gives us a heart to feel life. It is when we depend on logic (right and wrong) to direct us instead of his nature ( EMOTION) within us that our perspective of his kingdom becomes skewed.
I called a friend for advice the other day. Somebody had done something to me. I was trying to place their actions and my reaction to it into the "wrong box" or "right box." She simply asked, "How did you feel when they said that?" I'll tell you how I felt. I felt yucky. I felt like they were trying to manipulate me somehow and my response would be used to accomplish some sort of motive they had. She said, "Well then, there's your answer." And she was right. I responded to the person with love for myself and for the person, nipped the situation in the bud, closed the book on that chapter. I can love the person apart from their behavior because I recognize it as two separate things. Can you see the difference? In my old way of thinking I would have probably analyzed that situation passed dead. I would have lumped the person and their behavior into the same package. I would have analyzed my heart and felt guilty for feeling negatively toward the person. I would have assumed I was judging them by feeling like I was being used. Blah! Glad that messy way of thinking is over. No need to analyze stuff any more. Deal and move on. I wasted lots of brain cells, time, and energy analyzing life instead of enjoying it.
Thank God for feelings! I saw a little girl with a rare condition on a talk show. She was born with an altered feeling sensation. There are only like 30 cases in the United States. Sounds cool on the front end.....never feel pain? But guess what....she is developmentally delayed. How can one learn to walk when they can't feel their legs properly? Her parents have a terrible time keeping her safe and healthy. There is a reason we don't gouge out our eye with a would hurt. This precious child has no concept of that. Apparently, it takes the ability to feel to be able to develop healthfully. I unapologetically do not believe that pain in life has a purpose to teach us stuff. Please do not misunderstand me. Pain is not my instructor. But in the same way the sense of touch causes us to develop physically, feeling and emotions produce healthful development of our soul.
So many times I doubted myself for feeling like I disagreed with what an authority figure said or did. I discredited myself because I discredited my feelings. I trusted an outside voice more than I listened to the still small voice within. We have feelings, and they guide us. When the top blew open off my heart, I began to see that my instincts served me well. I revisited all those yucky feelings that I had had over the years and realized that God was speaking to me and I heard Him correctly. It didn't make me special. It made me SEE! So many beliefs about doctrines, people, culture, or whatever, began finding a place within a proper perspective. "Such and such is NOT a bad person like I was lead to believe." "That is NOT the correct interpretation of that scripture, but this is what it means." Those types of things. I began to see!
When I finally began to understand the Truth about feelings, I became teachable. I've had more revelation about spiritual things come since I learned to feel than any other time in my life. I trust my inner voice more than the voice of any man. I can and am learning to "feel" people too. I used to toss feelings of people aside and labeled it judgment. I know what judgment is now, and it is not a feeling. Judgment is something you do with your head...not your heart. But when I "feel" that someone is not singing the same tune inside their heart as I am, I don't have to dance or even listen to their music. I do not feel I am less or more than they are, we just are not in tune to the same thing and I wish them well. There is a boundary within me that allows me to be courteous to them even though I do not allow them to cross into the safe place in my heart. They do not get to speak into my life. They can speak, but I won't hear. It doesn't matter why I might have a negative feeling, I just recognize it and go on. I don't have to analyze them or me. I simply recognize we are not in harmony to each other and I move on.
The same is true for "feeling" a pure heart. I have been trying to practice with people at my work or even strangers I might encounter. There is a lady I have been able to work with every now and then over the years. I'm drawn to her. I believe she is the real deal with a sweet heart. I try to really feel what she feels behind her words so I can learn something. I have learned much about how to love and treat people from her nature. She didn't have to say it when she was trying to take on too much to prevent me from being overworked. I FELT it. So when she volunteered to take some of my responsibilities, I refused and told her I would be happy to do it. Only after that, she vocalized her true feelings. She was thankful and told me that she felt bad for asking me to do so much on short notice. She was relieved when I happily volunteered.
When I have a chance to look into the eyes of people, I try to see what I can see. It is almost always light. Without saying a word I try to impart some life and maybe even learn from theirs. A brief moment of sharing light makes the whole day a little brighter. This is coming alive to me more and more. Everyone has those moments when we are thinking something then someone close to us says it aloud. Or we have a song in our head and someone starts singing it. We began a sentence and someone else finishes our thought. But the other day something extraordinary happened. I thought something. Wayne answered. Then I answered again and we didn't say anything at all. That brief conversation was communicated by feeling. We spoke about that later and that is how I know he felt it too. I do believe that is exactly what heaven is like. Thoughts and feelings are as vocal and spoken words.
I love the quote by Bob Marley that I read the other day, "Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." That is so true. There is a little exercise on one of my workout videos. It is a little voodoo, but I love it truly. It means, "The light in me acknowledges the light in you." I do it to my five-year-old a lot when I look at him. He knows what it means. When I'm loving on my boys, I will ask them, "Can you feel it? Can you feel love on the inside?" I want them to learn what love feels like and acknowledge with their brains what it feels like. I want them to be able to express with their words or even drawings what they feel on the inside. I never want them to doubt their God-breathed instincts because of the voice of another even if it is mine.
Discrediting feelings makes us numb to the ways of God's kingdom. Living by logic is eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Even if the fruit is a good, it still leads to death. Eve thought the fruit looked good to eat. Logic always seems appetizing and nutritious. We can only know Truth by feeling. And as for Jesus....what a precious emotional being! I always wondered why the passage says Jesus knew Simon's thoughts when the woman came in to wash His feet. Simon didn't say anything, but Jesus corrected him verbally. It always puzzled me because is that not what teachers say judgment is? Assuming you know the motives/intentions/thoughts/whatever of another person? No! Jesus FELT correctly, and he put him in his place. We all know he loved him, but there is no place for darkness in the presence of light especially when the self worth of the pure-hearted is on the line. I love Him even more for that! His words were an act of love toward the woman as well as for Simon. That perspective Simon had of his "sister" would only reap death in his heart eventually. Jesus was trying to correct him up to life. And besides that, how many times in the Bible does it say, "Jesus was lead with compassion." Hello? Is compassion something you feel or something you are taught with your brain? I understand the whole walk by faith and not by sight thing so much better now. People still believe faith is something that happens with your brain. Nope. Faith has eyes that see by feeling. It's an instinct. A knowing. Do you really think the still small voice of the Lord is in words? No. He always communicates in revelation and we interpret it into English words. Revelation is like a picture. That is why it is so hard to communicate its fullness to other people with our words. That is also why Jesus spoke to the people in they would catch the revelation with their heart instead of their brains! OH MY GOOD GOD! The senses of the heart are more real and powerful than any physical sense. Let's strengthen those!
I still have a lot to learn, but I am able to recognize more what I'm "understanding" head or my heart. I see it like a light switch. Is the switch pointed up to my head? or down to my heart? The light is ON when the switch is down. So many times I thought someone was speaking Truth just because it resonated with things I had learned with my head. Now I am better at feeling the vibrations with things God placed in my heart. If it doesn't resonate with my heart, I shelf it and let the Holy Spirit teach me what to do with it or discard it if I know it is trash already. So the things I've said about feeling...does that resonate with your heart? If not....that's okay and you will know what to do with it.
I do want to live the rest of my life feeling the rain.
I feel ya, Audrey! (wink, wink)! Honestly, this is a beautiful essay on the heart of a woman who truly knows the difference between heart and head, emotions and thoughts. You have awesome boundaries and a great respect for Life and for the God of Life reflected right here in this post. Thank you for sharing and for being unafraid of who you are! Love, love, love you, Sister!