Monday, July 18, 2011

"Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?" ---Matrix

This is a late night ponder. Instead of writing directly in my journal like I normally would, I'm going out on a limb to share this ponder in blogland. I need to get it out somewhere. Might as well be here.

I was taking a shower just now thinking about all the hecticness (new word, yay!) going about in life right now. I was thinking of this sort of crazy junk when I had this thought. Am I really feeling this and dealing with this in my heart anyway? (This is where I get weird.) We are seated in heavenly places. I read on facebook somewhere that heaven is a state of mind or something like that. So if I am there? Am I really here? It hit me harder than it sounds. I almost lost my breath. Have you seen "The Matrix"? I so love that movie. You know that part when Neo realizes what the matrix is then he starts spasming out and then vomits? It is like he is instantly purged of all he thought was real and thrown bluntly into his true reality. I had a mild form of that feeling.

THEN! I saw a vision. It was a young lady inside an hour glass. The hour glass sat on this gorgeous table in this gorgeous room high up with an exquisite view and lush furnishings. So...where was the young lady? Was she in the hour glass? Or was she in the room?

I began to see that it is the same, yet two different realities. She could focus on her immediate surroundings...small, cramped, space, filled only with unstable repetition and time. A dreadful state of mind. Or she could glance out to see the bigger picture. Depending on where she sets her mind is where she is. It kind of reminds me of bird poo on a windshield. We can get so caught up in focusing on the poo that we totally miss the scenery we are passing by.

We are "trapped" in this bubble of time. Will we concentrate on the bubble? Or can we see past it to the bigger picture? Are you seated in monotony? Or are you seated in heavenly places?

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