Thursday, March 31, 2011

Molly's House

(The names have been changed to protect the innocent...)

I have a darling little sister. She is extra cute and always has been. She is creative, popular, talented, gives good advice, and smart (but often keeps that one undercover.) She is extremely perceptive, exceptionally funny, and a whole lot of fun. She teaches high school and is exceptionally good at it even though she is smaller and looks younger than her students. She will say things that no one else on the planet would dare utter, and not only get away with it, but people think it is so stinkin' cute. She is a good girl and a blessing to our family. She makes and has made great decisions. She learned from the hard knocks of older siblings. She is the youngest of five, and thinks my parents stopped having us when they got to perfection. I think they would agree. Oh yeah, she is spoiled, but she knows it and doesn't take it for granted. She is the type of girl most people would like to be. But after the story I am about to tell you, you might not think so.

She married a man I love for her to love. He is so perfectly opposite of her. He does strange and highly unusual things like puts his keys in the same place every time. He uses his manners when it is not even expected. He is very aware of people and honors them. He could win awards for his gift wrapping and barely uses any tape. His smarts are not undercover. He is respectable. Everything he does is A++. His side of the closet is perfectly organized. He washes and organizes her cake-decorating supplies for which she is highly appreciative. Then he says things like, “You can thank me by keeping them this way.” If she is a prize, then he definitely deserves one.

They bought a house. It's a really nice home, and they are working so hard to make their new yard their own. It was her spring break, and he also took off some days. It was their anniversary and also great weather to spruce up the lawn. They hired a guy to help with the landscaping who was less than professional. The following is something of his conversations with her husband.

“Did you know the people who owned this house before you? This is Molly's house!”

“Yes, Molly and Andrew. We are actually really good friends with them. They are in Sunday School with us.”

“Yeah, Molly is so hot!”

(You get the picture....They planned for him to make a sketch of the yard sometime that week.)

So Darling Little Sister's efforts in the yard lead to a severe breaking out all over her body. It was so severe that she could wear nothing touching her skin.
She wore the baggiest pair of sweatpants she could find. She also had not “changed the oil,” as our dad would say, so her greasy pony tail made her look as if she had bald spots all over her head. Her face was also broken out so makeup was out of the question. She looked as miserable as she felt. The landscape man showed up to complete his sketches. She was standing away from his conversation with her husband. She felt she needed to release some gas. The wind seemed to be blowing in a favorable direction. They would never know, so she let it go.

The sound of the trumpet was so loud it vibrated her baggy sweats-covered butt cheeks. Everything got silent. Hubby just turned and looked at her. Then the landscape man says, “Well, I've been here before. This is Molly's house. I think I can just draw up something.” and left without walking around the yard. Then she says to her husband, “You heard that?”

So this brings me to my favorite thing about my sister. She is not afraid to be herself, laughs at herself, and enjoys making other people laugh at her expense. We sure do a lot of laughing.

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