Monday, May 30, 2011

180 Degree Life-changer #5: Spirit of Accusation

The most recent 180 degree-life-changing revelation is how accusations rob our confidence. Accusation is a word or even an attitude that says, “you are less than you are.” On any given day, the word that is spoken would probably sound pretty silly. What makes it significant is the force or spirit behind the word. The intention is to rob us of our confidence.

When the accusation comes it makes us take a look at ourselves. We feel bad for it. It doesn't make us mad at first. It makes us feel insecure. We feel like we just want to quit. We might feel a physical heaviness. We feel rejected and belittled. We feel like we need to take up for ourselves to prove we are not as bad as what they say we are. We feel a pressure to perform. When we perform, we come back under the law instead of grace. We can never BE good enough. We cannot improve ourselves, therefore condemnation and guilt sets in. Condemnation will drive people to sin and ultimately to death. It can even make us sick.

Accusation is a belief system that can be thinking bondage for entire generations. Some people might call this a generational curse. It's not really a curse. It is a way of thinking that has been taught and learned.

Why would someone want to accuse us? People with low confidence are easy to control. Low confidence keeps us dependent on others and prevents us from manifesting Jesus. If we believe a lie, then we will not walk in truth. Low confidence keeps us existing instead of living. It keeps us in bondage to sin because we believe the lie. The accused gets a sentence and we are condemned. Condemnation keeps us chained to the sin.

Accusation is not just a hurt feelings or an offense, it makes us look inwardly and questions who we are. We feel like we want to go somewhere and hide. We become self-conscious instead of God-conscious. It is just like how Adam and Eve felt in the garden. The accuser came and told Eve that she really wasn't good enough. Eat of the fruit and then she would see. She believed she lacked and that was the real sin. Eating of the fruit was “fruit” of the new belief she now had that she lacked. The accuser mixed truth in with lie making it all a lie. God said, “Who told you you were naked?” They were naked the whole time, but they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and suddenly their eyes in their flesh were open to our carnal or soul-ish perspective instead of seeing things in Spirit. They became blind to the reality God created for them. They were only aware of themselves after they lost the perspective they shared with their creator, and it caused them to hide. They were not even confident enough to stand before their loving Father.

The accusation is usually mixed with things that are true or factual. Another clever tactic is if you don't fall for it, you will be accused for not feeling accused. “You should feel bad for this. You are not compassionate because you don't even care you are this way.” Accusations probably will come from someone you care about or some sort of authority figure. It can come from people with bad intentions or people with good intentions. Sometimes I think you can take the words someone says with good, pure intentions, but your heart be so crooked that you accuse yourself with those words.

Gracious correction is not accusation. Someone may see something in your life that is bringing you harm. They love you with integrity and want only the best for you. The come gently to you to talk with you about it. Do they mention your flaws? Yes they do, but it is candy coated in the wisdom and love of the Lord. They are lead by the Holy Spirit to speak to you on this matter. Don't mistaken that for accusation. You will know because it bears witness. You almost feel honored that they care enough about you to bring it up. You feel safe with them. You feel loved even more. You feel confident. It brings you life, not death. The motive is love and only love.

Accusation has a definite path, but it is all designed to strip away our confidence. We feel bad about ourselves. Then we feel hurt. Hurt leads to bitterness. Bitterness leads to anger. Then finally one feels depressed. Sometimes the depression or pit that someone is in is so difficult to get out of, that is why God gives people gifts to help and serve others. The gift of prophecy is exactly opposite of an accusation. Where one negative word with a spirit of accusation can send you to a pit, so much stronger can a prophetic word pull you out of the miry clay. This has happened to me many times. When I would feel like I could not climb out of my bondage way of thinking, I would ask the Lord to send me someone as a gift to help me climb out. The Word would always come through unexpected sources which was an extra little goody, and I would climb right out of my pit. Thank you, Lord, for the gifts in people you give us!

Dreams are also very helpful in healing any past hurts or current hurts of accusation. Dreams are a tool we can use to recognize issues in our hearts and allow Jesus to wash us off. When one dreams of a snake, the snake is symbolic of lies and accusations. I'll give you an example of how God used a dream to help heal me.

Someone I love dearly said something to me about not being a good mom and gave specific examples of why. I didn't recognize it as a spirit of accusation because they should know what they are talking about and I was not aware of how that word was affecting my heart. So that night I dreamed I was riding on a little cart away from home and I left Luke and Jack at home alone as I traveled down the road with Benjamin. I felt like he was to little to leave at home. We live about a mile from the main road in real life. When I got to the end of the road in my dream where the cemetery is, I saw the person who said that about me not being a good mom standing in the cemetery. I was afraid that they saw me and would realize I left Luke and Jack at home, so I turned around and started racing toward home. On the way back, I saw three snakes on the road try to jump up and strike at me. They didn't get me because I was in the cart, but I was staring at them and I was scared.

When I woke up I realized that the word they spoke was an accusation and I was able to dispose of it in my heart. There were three snakes in my dream because I have three little boys whom I was told I was not a good parent to. Even though the person was able to give specific examples of why I was not “good enough,” it was a lie. It might be silly to hear and even think, but the force behind it really made me believe what they were saying and I lost some confidence. I just didn't realize I had and God brought that dream to me. Am I mad at the person who said it? No way. As far as I'm concerned, their intentions were good, and it was my own heart that accused myself with their words.

The Bible is clear on how to handle those who bring accusations against you and how to condemn the word. Isaiah 54:17says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every tongue that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn.” It said no weapon will prosper, but there are still weapons out there in regard to “tongues” or “lies.” How do you condemn the word? “Bless those who curse you...” Matthew 5:44. 1 Peter 3:9says, “Not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called that ye should inherit a blessing.” Accusation is contagious. If you are accused, our carnal instinct is to accuse back because it is a defense mechanism. People who feel accused not only accuse back to their accuser, but they start to accuse other people too. Hurting people hurt people. To put an end to the snow ball of accusation is to reach in and pull out the fruit of the Spirit. Bless those that curse you. Love on them. It is easy if you recognize that the person saying the words is not bad. Jesus loves them too. It's the attitude or spirit behind the words that is bad. We don't attack the person, we condemn the word. We condemn the word with blessings. God's Kingdom is always opposite of what we know in our system of thinking. It might not make sense to bless those who bring such horrid comments to you, but that is Jesus. “Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing.” Emphasis on the “know” not the “doing.” They only did what they were doing because they were blind. It is only through loving forgiveness that they might see. Jesus knew this. He was condemning the accusing word by blessing---”Father, Forgive them.” Wow! I can't wait until I can walk in this fully.

180 Degree Life-changer #4: Submission

This is a good one....
Wayne came home one day and simply said, “You know how in the Bible it says for wives to submit to your husbands? That word submit really means to allow yourself to be loved.” Fireworks went off in my heart. It was like the missing piece to a puzzle I didn't know I was missing. There was a revelation download in my spirit, and all I could think to say was, “God you really, really are so very good.” My life has never been the same. Our marriage was good, but now it is bliss.

There was a time that if Wayne had ever said, “You need to submit,” it would have been World War 3. But now when he says it, it is like dirty talk.

The Bible tells us to “submit to one another as unto the Lord.” One of the revelation chunks that plopped into my spirit was what it means to submit to the Lord. I always thought it meant, “obedient.” And yes, it could be interpreted that way, but it is not the most correct way. Submission to Lord is to allow him. It is to lay down my opinion and submit to his. Song of Solomon is a perfect example of this. That beautifully written book is Jesus loving on his bride, the church. At the beginning of it, she doesn't feel worthy to be loved even though he tells her she is. She says things like, “He is my beloved.” He continues to love on her and by the end of the book she has submitted and says, “I am my beloveds.” A mature person can submit. The Song of Solomon shows how she matures as she submits. At first her thinking is what she can do to love him, but at the end she realizes her love is no comparison to his great love and so she gets over herself and allows him to love her and that is exactly what he wanted. AWESOME!

When Jesus washed the disciples feet, he was serving them. He was loving them. Peter had a hard time humbling himself to submission. He didn't feel worthy enough to have his Lord Jesus wash his feet, but Jesus said that if he did not allow himself to be served by him, then he could not have any part with him. It is humbling to lay down our opinion and submit to ourselves to Jesus. We must allow him to serve us. This is another Kingdom principle that is opposite to our thinking. The servant is the greatest of all. The King of Kings is the servant. That's a tough one for me to swallow, but I am learning to submit. Everyday I am learning to come boldly before him and allow him to love me the way that he created me to be loved. Consequently, the more I submit, the more I will I will mature and the more I will love others the way I know I am loved.

So it says, “Wives submit to your husbands.” Our whole marriage changed because of this revelation. It is difficult to put into words, but I'll give an example. I am a stay-at-home mom and therefore I put expectations on myself as to what I thought that meant. I made goals for myself which were never accomplished. So if Wayne came home after he had worked all day and started washing the dishes, I would feel inadequate like I was not good enough to get my job done so he had to do it. Now I didn't say anything to him. I let him wash the dishes and was thankful for it, but all the time feeling bad about myself because I couldn't get it done. There was a pressure in our house that we were unaware of. Was Wayne washing the dishes because he thought I was inadequate? No! He was trying to help me. He was trying to show me he loved me. So now I have learned to submit to him. Whatever he wants to do for me, I let him. I now receive things as love. It is the job of the wife to be the receiver. God created us that way. Eve's purpose for being created was to be loved. The more love we receive, the more love is birthed from us for everyone else. The pressure disappeared in our marriage. We even noticed a change in our boys. Peace reigns in our home because we submit to one another.

We have learned about the different love languages and how different things communicate love loudly. Although my primary love language is words of affirmation, I can now speak all the other languages fluently so I receive love in every way. So if Wayne touches me, I “hear” love. If he wants to serve me, I “hear” love. If my boys want to spend time with me, I “hear” love. Or if they make me a gift out of tinker toys, I “hear” love. It is amazing how this revelation of submission changed every aspect of my life.

180 Degree Life-changer #3: The Word of God

This is one of those things I thought I knew. I seriously must have learned these words to this song before my first memory. “The B-I-B-L-E. That's the book for me. I stand up tall on the word of God. The B-I-B-L-E.” Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. This one actually may not have been as life-jolting as all the others I am listing, but it was significant enough to post it. I heard a message on the “The Word of God” in November 2009. I literally saw the words float out of his mouth and into my chest. It was the first time ever I have gotten drunk off of spoken word. I have never been as drunk since. I lost my inhibitions. It was powerful. I can honestly say that week of my life was the foundation for every truth I know today. It catapulted me into something really special. It is difficult to put into words. Walls in my heart were torn down, and it was like the adventure was just beginning. It began a revelation-download from the Holy Spirit that has not stopped to this day. So what was the word? So simple, yet so misunderstood.

Bible is not the word of God. WHOA! (No stones please.) Bible contains the word of God, but it also contains scripture. Scripture and the Word are not the same thing. The Word of God is Jesus as it so beautifully tells us in John 1. Scriptures might tell us one thing, but the Word of God is something totally different. The best illustration I have ever heard is the story of the woman caught in the very act of adultery. Scripture said to stone her, but what did the Word say? He said, “if there is any among you without sin, you may cast the first stone.” Then after everyone left, he said to this woman, “I do not condemn you.” WOW! What a revelation! So now, if I read something in the Bible, and it doesn't exactly sound like Jesus to me, I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me the Word. Lord, make me blind to the scriptures and only see the WORD!

180 Degree Life-changer #2: Judgment

I've been pondering on this since I first heard a message on judgment, and that has been many, many moons ago. This is something I continue to learn and purge my heart from. The Bible says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. Judgment is when we think we know what someone else is thinking. We think we know the motives behind other's behavior. We think we can see when we are blind. Sometimes we can even convince others we can see when we are blind.

I used to joke around and say, “Judgment is my spiritual gift.” But the truth is, judgment hurts the person doing the judgment. I quit saying “judgment is my gift” because I decided I was only going to speak truth about that in my life. I want no part in judgment. It is NASTY. There is still some purging to do, and I still have to take quite a few thoughts captive, but I am holding on with dear life to a word a dear friend gave me: “God said that very soon you will see people the way he sees people.” What freedom that will be for ME! We can only judge in others what we see in ourselves. Have you ever had friends who can knit pick the hound of personality flaws? You better watch your back. The things they see in people are exactly what is in their heart. Opinionated people is a nice way of saying, “Judgmental.” I'm quickly learning that every time I see where others can improve, I need to take a big long look in the mirror. Jesus wasn't joking when he said to take heed of the log in our eye before we notice the splinter in others.

Another thing I struggle with currently is judging myself. Now I know there are “things.” We all have stuff, but I'm taking lessons from the Holy Spirit at the moment of how this process works. I do NOT have all the answers. Actually, I don't have any answers at all, but I can see that if the Creator of heaven and earth is not aware of my flaws, then what right do I have to continually remind myself of them so I can “work” on it. Why do I even think “I” could fix anything at all, including myself. It is sick if I think about it long enough.

I saw the movie, “Da Vinci Code.” Regardless of anyone's opinion on that movie, that crazy character who paid penance for the wrongs he did is a great illustration of self-judgment. What he did to himself was disgusting, warped, and exactly opposite of what Jesus freed us from. Actually, it is a slap in the face of Jesus if we think we must add to what he did. We think we can pay for the things Jesus must have missed hanging up on that cross. That is crazy. Other peeps in the Bible thought they could pay for salvation themselves too-----Pharisees HELLO! The most judgmental, warped, bondage-loving people EVER. When I think about putting myself under pressure to fix the flaws in my heart, I remind myself that I'm acting like that albino-looking fella in the “Da Vinci Code.” I know there are things to work out in my heart, but judging self cannot be the cure. It is humble to take on the opinion of Father for me instead of the opinion (or judgment) I have of myself. When I can see others through my Father's eyes, then I will also be seeing me through his eyes. THAT is truth-humility.

180 Degree Life-changer #1: The Nature of God

I've been thinking a lot lately about the revelations that have most abruptly changed me life. There are lots of good stuff I've learned or am in the process of learning that I would consider as huge or more important, but these five revelations are the ones that picked me up from the course I was on and totally planted me in a 180 degree different direction. These are chronologically in eye-opening order.

#1 The Nature of God.
The first time I heard the gospel and I mean really heard the gospel, my heart was transformed. I don't even remember the words that were spoken, but I remember the feeling of freedom in my Spirit. It began a journey of seeking a true, safe, and amazing relationship with a Father I know loves me. He sees no need to add anything to me. He never tries to “teach me a lesson” or test or tempt me. He is good and only good. He is not even allowing the bad stuff. Bad things happen because of our choices and the imagination we trap ourselves in. He sent us a savior who made our way and to wake us up. Jesus was the exact image of our Good Daddy. Jesus did a better job than I was always lead to believe. We have to sacrifice nothing because he really took care of it all. When he finished it, it really was finished. He doesn't need our help to fix us or anyone else. We are here so he can love on us. Sure we have purpose and plans, but now with our new nature which is His nature we “do” by accident. There is NOTHING I have to do to become, because he already made me as I AM. When we awake to who he really is and who he made us to be, we can mambo outta here. Hope we wake up soon!
I am so deeply rooted in his goodness that I take it for granted that others are not. I'm still learning aspects about his good nature and look forward to learning even more in eternity.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gold Digging

When Wayne and I were first courting, we had a British Literature class together at Tennessee Tech. We used to do cutesy things while we sat through lecture like abuse quotes from some Old English passages in notes to each other. It was fun having our own, inside joke, class commentary. One of the things I remember taking out of context was the phrase, “I think you are gold.”

Gold. It's precious. It's valuable. It's shiny. It is called the “Nobel Metal” because it is the only metal that will never rust or tarnish. It's virtually indestructible. It's decorative, but also very useful in electronics and medical practices for treatments and surgeries that were once impossible. Gold is used in adorning kings, and the highest prize an athlete can earn is the Olympic gold medal. Gold is gooooooooood. This earth has lots of gold, but there is even more soil. What if we were so afraid of the dirt, that we never went gold digging?

People also have gold..... God-given, good, golden qualities that are often buried in mountains of filth. Our words, views and opinions are like shovels, dynamite, and backhoes. When we honor people with our words, we are pointing out the gold in their lives. Affirmation is gold digging. Pretty soon that gold that is buried beneath the soil makes its way to the surface and they suddenly begin to shine.
People who behave carnally are really only aware of their “soil.” What good would it do to constantly remind them how dirty they are? What gives us the right to tell them where they need to get “cleaned” up if God sees them already as clean, blameless, and innocent as Jesus? If you see someone with a little “dirt” on their face, it is you who needs a bath. “Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” Titus 1:15

Jesus said to get the log out of your own eye before you see splinter in someone else. “Well, it is just my opinion, and I am allowed to think what I want.” or “ I know I'm right and I need to make you that way too, because I care about you.” Is that right? Well, any opinion that does not match God's opinion is a lie. Lies are shovels for the soil. You don't want to be a grave digger! “If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin'.” This gold digging is serious stuff. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Choose life. That log in our eye obscures our vision so we see the wood chips in others. I guarantee if we remove our logs, we'll see others as “pure” as we are. We all have filth, dirt and soil. Even the “best” of us is like dirty rags compared to the righteousness of the Lord. I said, “best” because really it is always opposite day in the Kingdom of God. What we call best, he calls filthy. What we call first, he calls last. What we call, subtraction (giving,) he calls multiplication. Our real LIFE only begins after our death. That does not mean that we do not experience or recognize darkness, but Psalms 139:12 says, “even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.” Hmmm...That really changes my way of thinking.

Something that is so extra awesome about gold-digging is the principle, “It is better to give than to receive.” When you go gold-digging, the gold in you automatically comes to the surface. It strengthens the digger at the same time it strengthens the receiver. I love God's law about that. It's one of those “opposites” I mentioned earlier that make His kingdom so much fun. The more you give, the more you get. Giving honor multiplies honor in ourselves.

This is also something interesting to think about....There was an experiment done with a group of low-performing students. They put these underachievers in a classroom with a teacher who knew nothing about them. The teacher was told that the students were the high-achieving students. At the end of the school year, they were actually high achievers. She believed in them and they were. That makes me think that even if we hold our tongues, just the attitude that radiates from us can influence others. After all, it is not who you believe in as much as it is who believes in you.

We should also never take for granted that people who “shine” know they do. I think sometimes when it seems so obvious that someone is filled with gold, that we forget they could be encouraged if we call attention to it. Sometimes it is not obvious to them, and you telling them they are gold may just be the edification they need to hear. We should always try to remember to honor those golden people with our words. They will be encouraged and consequently, they will shine even more.

“All that glisters is not gold.” Flattery is glittery, but it is not gold digging. Wayne and I refer to flattery as “blowing sunshine up someone's butt.” We like to call flatterers, “Solar Proctologist.” (Saying that is not exactly gold digging, but it does make us laugh.) Flattery is attached to a motive. Flattery is like gold digging with an agenda. Maybe you want to point out the good in someone so that they will change a bad behavior. Sounds like good intentions, but just the fact that you see the need for them to change says that you see lack in them and therefore you are just digging in the soil. To me, that is just grave digging. Gold digging is motivated by LOVE. It is a heavenly perspective into someone's life. Gold digging is a product of being born of God who is Love. (1 John 4:7-8.)

That is why I so love the gift of prophecy. Prophecy is like inserting a direct line to somebody's gold mine. God can give you the right words to say to someone that brings their TRUTH-self to the surface. I love this about Father. God has an opinion of us, and it is not that we need “fixing.” He sees us as perfect as he sees Jesus. He sees us as gold. As hard as that is to admit, it is the truth. It might be true that we make mistakes and think incorrectly and do not believe, etc, but that is not the truth. We have a choice...we can focus on the things in us that is soil, or we can lay down our opinion and adopt the heart of our father.---That is extremely humbling. It is tough to see the gold in us, but when can humble our opinions to match Father's opinion of us, we become awakened. If we want to see gold in others, we must first see the gold in ourself. We then will know we are seated in heavenly places and the perspective from there is just... heavenly!

Your Daddy thinks you are gold!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wake Up Call

I got a few requests to write down the word I got today for church, so here it is....

It was as if people had a veil wrapped over their head so that they could not see or hear. I could feel the righteous, Holy anger of the Lord so strong I didn't know if I could get it all out. He was NOT angry with people, he was angry with the lies and deception that made up the veil that caused us to be blind and deaf. It was like we are to literally reach up and lift the veil off. The veil is there only because we believe the lies and deception. The veil is a way of thinking that blinds us and prevents us from seeing reality. The veil hinders our judgment and deceives us. The veil makes us think we are separated from Father. The veil makes us feel alone or empty. The veil is a belief that we are on our own and we have to make it on our own. The veil makes us think we are dependent on other men or man's system.

It was like we were sleep walking. We are living, but almost as if we are in a dream world unaware of reality which we call the supernatural. He is telling us WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UUUUUUUP! It is time to wake up! It is time to reach up and lift that veil off our heads. It was like Jesus put his punching gloves on and was coming in busting up the veils. He really did that already, we need to awaken to reality. There is nothing separating us from Father but we lack the boldness and confident to see and hear him because we believe lies. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! We can be confident in Father's voice. We hear him, but that veil makes us think we cannot hear or see and thus dependent on others to lead and guide us instead of following the truth that lives in us. WE KNOW HIS VOICE! Let us be confident in it. Come BOLDLY to his throne. It is our right as children of the Most High to hear and be confident in his voice. You do not need any man telling you what to think, and you do not need to be dependent on Man's system. Beware of any voice that makes you doubt your ability to hear your father. You can think for yourselves because you know his voice.

When we start to see things the way God sees them, then the answers will come. We have been given a front row seat in his kingdom. Wake up! Look around and see where you are. Know where you are. Know that you are seated in heavenly places and see this realm and the people in it from Father's kingdom perspective. This is like: Seek first his kingdom and ALL things will be added to you. The answers will come when we see things the way he does and THIS is reality AND the right way. Everything else is less.

The first thing after the veil is lifted is that we will hear his voice. After that we will see things in the supernatural. Supernatural, strange things will happen and it will be so common it is no big deal to us because we see. First we hear, then we see. We will naturally be supernatural (as Wayne says.) Stop looking to other men for the answers. You grow up yourselves. You don't need a Moses telling you what to do. You have direct access to your GOOD and ONLY GOOD Daddy. The veil is lifted. Know it is. Don't be deceived. You can hear and you can see. When you know that the veil is gone, you will see that you are not separated from God. He is right there with you. You will see you lack nothing. Everything you need and want is right with you already. You are not alone and never were. He's always been there. It is time now to wake up and see the truth.

I started a prayer journal a couple months ago and write things in it like questions to the Lord. I had asked him to help me understand and get a revelation of when Jesus took a whip to the money changers in the temple. Although I understood the concept of why he did that, I did not understand his revelation about that until today when I felt that righteous, Holy anger. Today, he answered that prayer by allowing me to feel what he felt. It is so difficult to translate God's revelation in English, but I''ll try.
Jesus flipped over the tables. He didn't whip the people. He was angry at the lies. He was angry at the deception. The system of the money changers was their veil. That system was keeping them blind and deaf. He was angry and the lies and the deception that were keeping his people in bondage. They could not see HIM because they were so wrapped up in their lies/ way of thinking / man's system. He was angry that they believed they had to have another man “helping” them get to God. That they couldn't just come on their own. He was angry that they believed there was something they had to DO because they thought they were not quite good enough just as they were. Their confidence to enter in on their own had been stripped away because they believed the lie. They followed man's system to come to their Father which would continue to write on their hearts that they are not children. They believed they are orphans, and THAT is a lie! As for the people that were selling in the temple, The LORD JESUS was also angry at their deception. They probably thought they were doing good and the right thing. How dare that way thinking. You can only deceive if you are deceived. If they were sowing LACK (you-are-not-good-enough way of thinking) in others, then their own hearts were full of it. Jesus' intention was to destroy any measure of man that placed him above or below another including Jesus himself. We are coheirs. It is time we wake up to this, HIS REALITY.

Oh My God You are really, really, really good!