Monday, May 30, 2011

180 Degree Life-changer #1: The Nature of God

I've been thinking a lot lately about the revelations that have most abruptly changed me life. There are lots of good stuff I've learned or am in the process of learning that I would consider as huge or more important, but these five revelations are the ones that picked me up from the course I was on and totally planted me in a 180 degree different direction. These are chronologically in eye-opening order.

#1 The Nature of God.
The first time I heard the gospel and I mean really heard the gospel, my heart was transformed. I don't even remember the words that were spoken, but I remember the feeling of freedom in my Spirit. It began a journey of seeking a true, safe, and amazing relationship with a Father I know loves me. He sees no need to add anything to me. He never tries to “teach me a lesson” or test or tempt me. He is good and only good. He is not even allowing the bad stuff. Bad things happen because of our choices and the imagination we trap ourselves in. He sent us a savior who made our way and to wake us up. Jesus was the exact image of our Good Daddy. Jesus did a better job than I was always lead to believe. We have to sacrifice nothing because he really took care of it all. When he finished it, it really was finished. He doesn't need our help to fix us or anyone else. We are here so he can love on us. Sure we have purpose and plans, but now with our new nature which is His nature we “do” by accident. There is NOTHING I have to do to become, because he already made me as I AM. When we awake to who he really is and who he made us to be, we can mambo outta here. Hope we wake up soon!
I am so deeply rooted in his goodness that I take it for granted that others are not. I'm still learning aspects about his good nature and look forward to learning even more in eternity.

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