Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wake Up Call

I got a few requests to write down the word I got today for church, so here it is....

It was as if people had a veil wrapped over their head so that they could not see or hear. I could feel the righteous, Holy anger of the Lord so strong I didn't know if I could get it all out. He was NOT angry with people, he was angry with the lies and deception that made up the veil that caused us to be blind and deaf. It was like we are to literally reach up and lift the veil off. The veil is there only because we believe the lies and deception. The veil is a way of thinking that blinds us and prevents us from seeing reality. The veil hinders our judgment and deceives us. The veil makes us think we are separated from Father. The veil makes us feel alone or empty. The veil is a belief that we are on our own and we have to make it on our own. The veil makes us think we are dependent on other men or man's system.

It was like we were sleep walking. We are living, but almost as if we are in a dream world unaware of reality which we call the supernatural. He is telling us WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UUUUUUUP! It is time to wake up! It is time to reach up and lift that veil off our heads. It was like Jesus put his punching gloves on and was coming in busting up the veils. He really did that already, we need to awaken to reality. There is nothing separating us from Father but we lack the boldness and confident to see and hear him because we believe lies. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! We can be confident in Father's voice. We hear him, but that veil makes us think we cannot hear or see and thus dependent on others to lead and guide us instead of following the truth that lives in us. WE KNOW HIS VOICE! Let us be confident in it. Come BOLDLY to his throne. It is our right as children of the Most High to hear and be confident in his voice. You do not need any man telling you what to think, and you do not need to be dependent on Man's system. Beware of any voice that makes you doubt your ability to hear your father. You can think for yourselves because you know his voice.

When we start to see things the way God sees them, then the answers will come. We have been given a front row seat in his kingdom. Wake up! Look around and see where you are. Know where you are. Know that you are seated in heavenly places and see this realm and the people in it from Father's kingdom perspective. This is like: Seek first his kingdom and ALL things will be added to you. The answers will come when we see things the way he does and THIS is reality AND the right way. Everything else is less.

The first thing after the veil is lifted is that we will hear his voice. After that we will see things in the supernatural. Supernatural, strange things will happen and it will be so common it is no big deal to us because we see. First we hear, then we see. We will naturally be supernatural (as Wayne says.) Stop looking to other men for the answers. You grow up yourselves. You don't need a Moses telling you what to do. You have direct access to your GOOD and ONLY GOOD Daddy. The veil is lifted. Know it is. Don't be deceived. You can hear and you can see. When you know that the veil is gone, you will see that you are not separated from God. He is right there with you. You will see you lack nothing. Everything you need and want is right with you already. You are not alone and never were. He's always been there. It is time now to wake up and see the truth.

I started a prayer journal a couple months ago and write things in it like questions to the Lord. I had asked him to help me understand and get a revelation of when Jesus took a whip to the money changers in the temple. Although I understood the concept of why he did that, I did not understand his revelation about that until today when I felt that righteous, Holy anger. Today, he answered that prayer by allowing me to feel what he felt. It is so difficult to translate God's revelation in English, but I''ll try.
Jesus flipped over the tables. He didn't whip the people. He was angry at the lies. He was angry at the deception. The system of the money changers was their veil. That system was keeping them blind and deaf. He was angry and the lies and the deception that were keeping his people in bondage. They could not see HIM because they were so wrapped up in their lies/ way of thinking / man's system. He was angry that they believed they had to have another man “helping” them get to God. That they couldn't just come on their own. He was angry that they believed there was something they had to DO because they thought they were not quite good enough just as they were. Their confidence to enter in on their own had been stripped away because they believed the lie. They followed man's system to come to their Father which would continue to write on their hearts that they are not children. They believed they are orphans, and THAT is a lie! As for the people that were selling in the temple, The LORD JESUS was also angry at their deception. They probably thought they were doing good and the right thing. How dare that way thinking. You can only deceive if you are deceived. If they were sowing LACK (you-are-not-good-enough way of thinking) in others, then their own hearts were full of it. Jesus' intention was to destroy any measure of man that placed him above or below another including Jesus himself. We are coheirs. It is time we wake up to this, HIS REALITY.

Oh My God You are really, really, really good!

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