Monday, May 30, 2011

180 Degree Life-changer #5: Spirit of Accusation

The most recent 180 degree-life-changing revelation is how accusations rob our confidence. Accusation is a word or even an attitude that says, “you are less than you are.” On any given day, the word that is spoken would probably sound pretty silly. What makes it significant is the force or spirit behind the word. The intention is to rob us of our confidence.

When the accusation comes it makes us take a look at ourselves. We feel bad for it. It doesn't make us mad at first. It makes us feel insecure. We feel like we just want to quit. We might feel a physical heaviness. We feel rejected and belittled. We feel like we need to take up for ourselves to prove we are not as bad as what they say we are. We feel a pressure to perform. When we perform, we come back under the law instead of grace. We can never BE good enough. We cannot improve ourselves, therefore condemnation and guilt sets in. Condemnation will drive people to sin and ultimately to death. It can even make us sick.

Accusation is a belief system that can be thinking bondage for entire generations. Some people might call this a generational curse. It's not really a curse. It is a way of thinking that has been taught and learned.

Why would someone want to accuse us? People with low confidence are easy to control. Low confidence keeps us dependent on others and prevents us from manifesting Jesus. If we believe a lie, then we will not walk in truth. Low confidence keeps us existing instead of living. It keeps us in bondage to sin because we believe the lie. The accused gets a sentence and we are condemned. Condemnation keeps us chained to the sin.

Accusation is not just a hurt feelings or an offense, it makes us look inwardly and questions who we are. We feel like we want to go somewhere and hide. We become self-conscious instead of God-conscious. It is just like how Adam and Eve felt in the garden. The accuser came and told Eve that she really wasn't good enough. Eat of the fruit and then she would see. She believed she lacked and that was the real sin. Eating of the fruit was “fruit” of the new belief she now had that she lacked. The accuser mixed truth in with lie making it all a lie. God said, “Who told you you were naked?” They were naked the whole time, but they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and suddenly their eyes in their flesh were open to our carnal or soul-ish perspective instead of seeing things in Spirit. They became blind to the reality God created for them. They were only aware of themselves after they lost the perspective they shared with their creator, and it caused them to hide. They were not even confident enough to stand before their loving Father.

The accusation is usually mixed with things that are true or factual. Another clever tactic is if you don't fall for it, you will be accused for not feeling accused. “You should feel bad for this. You are not compassionate because you don't even care you are this way.” Accusations probably will come from someone you care about or some sort of authority figure. It can come from people with bad intentions or people with good intentions. Sometimes I think you can take the words someone says with good, pure intentions, but your heart be so crooked that you accuse yourself with those words.

Gracious correction is not accusation. Someone may see something in your life that is bringing you harm. They love you with integrity and want only the best for you. The come gently to you to talk with you about it. Do they mention your flaws? Yes they do, but it is candy coated in the wisdom and love of the Lord. They are lead by the Holy Spirit to speak to you on this matter. Don't mistaken that for accusation. You will know because it bears witness. You almost feel honored that they care enough about you to bring it up. You feel safe with them. You feel loved even more. You feel confident. It brings you life, not death. The motive is love and only love.

Accusation has a definite path, but it is all designed to strip away our confidence. We feel bad about ourselves. Then we feel hurt. Hurt leads to bitterness. Bitterness leads to anger. Then finally one feels depressed. Sometimes the depression or pit that someone is in is so difficult to get out of, that is why God gives people gifts to help and serve others. The gift of prophecy is exactly opposite of an accusation. Where one negative word with a spirit of accusation can send you to a pit, so much stronger can a prophetic word pull you out of the miry clay. This has happened to me many times. When I would feel like I could not climb out of my bondage way of thinking, I would ask the Lord to send me someone as a gift to help me climb out. The Word would always come through unexpected sources which was an extra little goody, and I would climb right out of my pit. Thank you, Lord, for the gifts in people you give us!

Dreams are also very helpful in healing any past hurts or current hurts of accusation. Dreams are a tool we can use to recognize issues in our hearts and allow Jesus to wash us off. When one dreams of a snake, the snake is symbolic of lies and accusations. I'll give you an example of how God used a dream to help heal me.

Someone I love dearly said something to me about not being a good mom and gave specific examples of why. I didn't recognize it as a spirit of accusation because they should know what they are talking about and I was not aware of how that word was affecting my heart. So that night I dreamed I was riding on a little cart away from home and I left Luke and Jack at home alone as I traveled down the road with Benjamin. I felt like he was to little to leave at home. We live about a mile from the main road in real life. When I got to the end of the road in my dream where the cemetery is, I saw the person who said that about me not being a good mom standing in the cemetery. I was afraid that they saw me and would realize I left Luke and Jack at home, so I turned around and started racing toward home. On the way back, I saw three snakes on the road try to jump up and strike at me. They didn't get me because I was in the cart, but I was staring at them and I was scared.

When I woke up I realized that the word they spoke was an accusation and I was able to dispose of it in my heart. There were three snakes in my dream because I have three little boys whom I was told I was not a good parent to. Even though the person was able to give specific examples of why I was not “good enough,” it was a lie. It might be silly to hear and even think, but the force behind it really made me believe what they were saying and I lost some confidence. I just didn't realize I had and God brought that dream to me. Am I mad at the person who said it? No way. As far as I'm concerned, their intentions were good, and it was my own heart that accused myself with their words.

The Bible is clear on how to handle those who bring accusations against you and how to condemn the word. Isaiah 54:17says, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every tongue that rises against you in judgment, you shall condemn.” It said no weapon will prosper, but there are still weapons out there in regard to “tongues” or “lies.” How do you condemn the word? “Bless those who curse you...” Matthew 5:44. 1 Peter 3:9says, “Not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called that ye should inherit a blessing.” Accusation is contagious. If you are accused, our carnal instinct is to accuse back because it is a defense mechanism. People who feel accused not only accuse back to their accuser, but they start to accuse other people too. Hurting people hurt people. To put an end to the snow ball of accusation is to reach in and pull out the fruit of the Spirit. Bless those that curse you. Love on them. It is easy if you recognize that the person saying the words is not bad. Jesus loves them too. It's the attitude or spirit behind the words that is bad. We don't attack the person, we condemn the word. We condemn the word with blessings. God's Kingdom is always opposite of what we know in our system of thinking. It might not make sense to bless those who bring such horrid comments to you, but that is Jesus. “Father forgive them because they don't know what they are doing.” Emphasis on the “know” not the “doing.” They only did what they were doing because they were blind. It is only through loving forgiveness that they might see. Jesus knew this. He was condemning the accusing word by blessing---”Father, Forgive them.” Wow! I can't wait until I can walk in this fully.


  1. All of these are so good, thanks for taking time to share them, you are full of wisdom my friend. :)

  2. Thanks for the words of wisdom. I too, was accused this week by someone close to me. It made me second guess everything that I did. Then I realized, she only said those things to me to make herself feel better! So if I'm the scape goat for her, so be it. I'm just glad I have the clarity to know the truth. Its so hard being the bigger person and not saying what you are REALLY thinking. Thanks for the post, it was just what I needed.
