Monday, May 30, 2011

180 Degree Life-changer #2: Judgment

I've been pondering on this since I first heard a message on judgment, and that has been many, many moons ago. This is something I continue to learn and purge my heart from. The Bible says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. Judgment is when we think we know what someone else is thinking. We think we know the motives behind other's behavior. We think we can see when we are blind. Sometimes we can even convince others we can see when we are blind.

I used to joke around and say, “Judgment is my spiritual gift.” But the truth is, judgment hurts the person doing the judgment. I quit saying “judgment is my gift” because I decided I was only going to speak truth about that in my life. I want no part in judgment. It is NASTY. There is still some purging to do, and I still have to take quite a few thoughts captive, but I am holding on with dear life to a word a dear friend gave me: “God said that very soon you will see people the way he sees people.” What freedom that will be for ME! We can only judge in others what we see in ourselves. Have you ever had friends who can knit pick the hound of personality flaws? You better watch your back. The things they see in people are exactly what is in their heart. Opinionated people is a nice way of saying, “Judgmental.” I'm quickly learning that every time I see where others can improve, I need to take a big long look in the mirror. Jesus wasn't joking when he said to take heed of the log in our eye before we notice the splinter in others.

Another thing I struggle with currently is judging myself. Now I know there are “things.” We all have stuff, but I'm taking lessons from the Holy Spirit at the moment of how this process works. I do NOT have all the answers. Actually, I don't have any answers at all, but I can see that if the Creator of heaven and earth is not aware of my flaws, then what right do I have to continually remind myself of them so I can “work” on it. Why do I even think “I” could fix anything at all, including myself. It is sick if I think about it long enough.

I saw the movie, “Da Vinci Code.” Regardless of anyone's opinion on that movie, that crazy character who paid penance for the wrongs he did is a great illustration of self-judgment. What he did to himself was disgusting, warped, and exactly opposite of what Jesus freed us from. Actually, it is a slap in the face of Jesus if we think we must add to what he did. We think we can pay for the things Jesus must have missed hanging up on that cross. That is crazy. Other peeps in the Bible thought they could pay for salvation themselves too-----Pharisees HELLO! The most judgmental, warped, bondage-loving people EVER. When I think about putting myself under pressure to fix the flaws in my heart, I remind myself that I'm acting like that albino-looking fella in the “Da Vinci Code.” I know there are things to work out in my heart, but judging self cannot be the cure. It is humble to take on the opinion of Father for me instead of the opinion (or judgment) I have of myself. When I can see others through my Father's eyes, then I will also be seeing me through his eyes. THAT is truth-humility.

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