Monday, May 30, 2011

180 Degree Life-changer #3: The Word of God

This is one of those things I thought I knew. I seriously must have learned these words to this song before my first memory. “The B-I-B-L-E. That's the book for me. I stand up tall on the word of God. The B-I-B-L-E.” Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. This one actually may not have been as life-jolting as all the others I am listing, but it was significant enough to post it. I heard a message on the “The Word of God” in November 2009. I literally saw the words float out of his mouth and into my chest. It was the first time ever I have gotten drunk off of spoken word. I have never been as drunk since. I lost my inhibitions. It was powerful. I can honestly say that week of my life was the foundation for every truth I know today. It catapulted me into something really special. It is difficult to put into words. Walls in my heart were torn down, and it was like the adventure was just beginning. It began a revelation-download from the Holy Spirit that has not stopped to this day. So what was the word? So simple, yet so misunderstood.

Bible is not the word of God. WHOA! (No stones please.) Bible contains the word of God, but it also contains scripture. Scripture and the Word are not the same thing. The Word of God is Jesus as it so beautifully tells us in John 1. Scriptures might tell us one thing, but the Word of God is something totally different. The best illustration I have ever heard is the story of the woman caught in the very act of adultery. Scripture said to stone her, but what did the Word say? He said, “if there is any among you without sin, you may cast the first stone.” Then after everyone left, he said to this woman, “I do not condemn you.” WOW! What a revelation! So now, if I read something in the Bible, and it doesn't exactly sound like Jesus to me, I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me the Word. Lord, make me blind to the scriptures and only see the WORD!

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